
Jamie Lee Curtis Tells Joe Scarborough She Fears for Her Trans Daughter: ‘It’s Awful, and It’s Terrifying!’

‘I will fight and defend her right to exist to anyone who claims that she doesn’t’
By Grabien Staff

(Via Mediaite)

LEE CURTIS: “I will fight and defend her right to exist to anyone who claims that she doesn’t. And there are those people. And it’s, it’s going to be a really challenging time, regardless of the political -- I mean, there’s a lot of political rhetoric–awful political rhetoric, particularly coming from your home state. I’m so sorry. As you know, my favorite Twitter is the waking up in don’t say gay Florida, someone waking up going gay. And, you know, obviously, I’m trying to learn the most important thing is that I don’t know everything. And I, I wake up every day sober, saying, I don’t know everything. I don’t know a lot. There are a lot of things I don’t know about. And there’s a lot of this that I need to learn. And I have gone to teachers, I’ve gone to people and said, Please educate me, helped me learn what the issue is, why that’s so important and what the other opinion is, so that I can hear both sides. Because if I only hear one side of an argument or an idea, then I have no ability to think and the whole idea here is we can think we have minds to think. And as you said, you’re like, how do you walk through this? Nobody said there’s no handbook. There are people who will be helpful guides. But I get it wrong. And I said something wrong with the Academy Awards. The first question was something about gender equity within de-gendering things and just, I messed it up. And I got called out by somebody on Twitter or something saying she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. And she was right. I didn’t. Because what that wasn’t the point the point, I misunderstood the point. So I’m learning. I’m trying. I’m, I’m human. But at the bottom line is, I’m a mom.”

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