
Jared Kushner: People Who Were Not for Trump Are Realizing that Trump Policies Made the World Safer

‘You’ve seen what happens when there is passive leadership’
By Grabien Staff


KUSHNER: "I see every day, you know, people — even people who were not in favor of Trump are realizing that under President Trump we had a peaceful world. People said, when he got into power, he would create World War III. Well, there were no new wars, he was making peace deals in the Middle East which was one of the thorniest issues for American diplomats and politicians and military for two decades, became a very peaceful place with a lot of momentum. In just a couple short years, you’ve seen what happens when there is passive leadership and weak leadership from America in the world, and we have two massive wars that have the chance to metastasize further. And quite frankly, the lack of relationships that we have with countries right now where we're doing strong diplomacy keeps these conflicts in a place where they can get much worse. So I think people recognize that the economy was great under President Trump, the policies he put in place were tremendous, we see what’s happening now at the southern border which, quite frankly, is very scary. You think about what a couple of terrorists can do in Israel. Imagine what happens when 10 million people come into our country who are unaccounted for. And I think a lot of people who maybe were against Trump are realizing that we need a strong leader for America and for the world and that his policies made the world a safer and more prosperous place."

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