
Jasmine Crockett on Harris as Nominee: Behind Closed Doors, There Are People Saying ‘It Can’t Be Her’

‘We are in process of contacting all of the Texas delegation’
By Grabien Staff


CROCKETT: "I am not confident. I will be working and working and working. As you mentioned, there’s another call with black women, which is actually still going on right now. I have been in touch with those delegates that have pledged themselves to President Biden in my district. We are in the process of contacting all of the Texas delegation. I am not confident at all because as it was laid out earlier, I do know that behind closed doors, while I won't name names, there were people that were absolutely like, 'It can’t be the vice president.' So in one breath they were saying the president needs to be out, in the next breath they were also saying it can’t be her. So it was one of the reasons that I was very fearful that we would end up falling into this trap of chaos, which we have done a really good job in the House of making it clear that the chaotic party is the Republicans as we have watched them perform as straight up clowns this entire year and a half.” 

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