
Jayapal Avoids Answering if Gaza Refugee Camp Bombing Is a War Crime

‘According to international law, the number of casualties of innocent civilians has to be minimized’
By Grabien Staff


JAYAPAL: “I think what I think is really very salient in this moment is how many innocent civilians are dying. And what we know is that the number of casualties, according to international law, the number of casualties of innocent civilians has to be minimized. And if you recall, there were 1.1 million gazaens told to go from north Gaza to south Gaza. And there have been bombing in the refugee camp and close by 12,000 people sheltering there, this is where the air strike are taking place. The idea that we’re going to minimize the civilian casualties as we continue these strikes doesn’t make sense. And what we have to understand is if we want peace for Israel or Palestine, this is not the with a I to go. Expert in war and terrorism is saying this kind of bombing is going to turn more Palestinians towards Hamas or the next iteration of Hamas. This is the the way.”

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