VANCE: “You know, Laura, my approach to this is just to get out there and meet as many people as possible. And I know this is Donald Trump’s approach too. We don’t do the scripted stuff. We don’t only speak in front of a teleprompter. We actually like to get out there and give some unscripted remarks and press conferences and also just go out there and talk to people. And that’s what I’m going to keep on doing, Laura. I don’t put much stock in the polls, even the polls that show us ahead, and there are a lot of those these days. What I put stock in is the wisdom of the American people and the fact that if we go out there, make our case, don’t hide behind a teleprompter, but get out there and meet people, the American people are going to like me and Donald Trump. I have no doubt about that. We just have to do our work, and we’ve got 65 days to do it.”