
Jean-Pierre Doesn’t Have the Message to Americans Who Did Not Attend College or Take on Student Loan Debt

‘We’re talking about folks who are in debt, who are literally being crushed’
By Grabien Staff


ALEXANDER: "And I guess just to put a fine point on it, right now, for the 4.7 million Americans who have received this debt relief, the average, as you said at the start of this, is $35,000 their relief has been for. So, I guess, why don’t those individuals who didn’t receive $35,000 in debt cancellations deserve a $35,000 check from other Americans for whatever means they would want to use it?"

JEAN-PIERRE: "You’re talking about the — "

ALEXANDER: "They didn't go to college so they're not getting that relief, the $35,000 they don't get because they didn't go."

JEAN-PIERRE: "I mean, we’re talking about folks who are in debt, who are literally being crushed, literally being crushed because they took — they took — they took — "

REPORTER: "Literally being crushed? Let's be — "

JEAN-PIERRE: "Financially. Okay? Is that okay with you? I know, but crushed financially. And so, they're trying to get their lives back on track, right? They're to get into a place, because they took they took a bet on themselves in a different way, right, they bet on themselves in going to college, and some of them, it is difficult to do that, right? They did that, financially it’s hurt them, and we want to give them that breathing room.”

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