
Jean-Pierre Struggles to Explain How Biden Is Doing Great But Only Behind Closed Doors

‘It was a 90 minute debate’
By Grabien Staff


JEAN-PIERRE: “Look, the president spoke to this. You heard me speak to this. We believe and others have said this, not just me, other folks who have been on networks, and also obviously, he's spoken to all of you is, it was a 90-minute debate. It was a bad night. That's what we believe it to be. We're not taking away what people saw. We're just not. That is -- I want to be very clear about that. And, you know, we want to -- to also make sure people understand that the president realizes, you know, I keep saying this over and over again, he said he's not as young as he used to be, and he -- he has -- he has addressed this over and over and over again.”


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