
Jean-Pierre Won’t Answer Whether Biden’s Silence on the Anti-Semitic Protests Is Because He’s Terrified of Losing His Own Voters’ Support

‘I can’t speak to youth voters or their support’
By Grabien Staff


JEAN-PIERRE: “I can’t speak to youth — youth and support and voters, that’s not something I can do from here. The president has taken a lot of policy actions here that he knows that young people care about. And a lot of those actions are popular with those young folks, whether it’s giving a little bit of breathing room with student debt relief, something we made an announcement today, matter of fact, and we are going to continue to do that, because we think it’s important as families or as an American, and you coming out of college, and you want to build a family, buy a home, you have the opportunity to do that and not be crushed by student debt. The president understands how important it is to deal with that issue. Climate change, something that young people really truly care about. One of the crises that the president said he came into having to deal with was the climate change crisis, as the president has taken more, has taken aggressive, aggressive action to deal with climate crisis. You look, I can’t speak to — I can’t speak to youth voters or their support.”

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