
Jeh Johnson: Biden Must Acknowledge Border ‘Emergency’ and Raise Asylum Bar, Remove People Quickly

‘Wolf, this is, in fact, a situation that is unsustainable’
By Grabien Staff


JOHNSON: “Wolf, this is, in fact, a situation that is unsustainable. 10,000, 12,000 a day taxes resources, not just of the Border Patrol, not just communities along the southern border, but in the interior, in places like New York and Chicago. And so, we’re in a crisis, very much so, right now. I guess if I were in the Biden administration right now, Wolf, I would be saying to the American public, we are on this, we recognize this is a huge problem, we recognize this is a crisis, and we will work with Congress to add more authorities to address an emergency situation like this to more expeditiously remove people back to where they came from, all the while remaining humane, consistent with our values, being fair, being humane.”

(Via Breitbart)

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