
Jen Psaki Defends Not Banning Russian Oil: ‘We Don’t Have a Strategic Interest’

‘That would raise prices at the gas pump for the American people’
By Grabien Staff


PSAKI: "Yes, I think I do know you’re trying to say. Well, our objective and the President's objective has been to maximize impact on President Putin and Russia while minimizing impact to us and our allies and partners. And I know you’ve heard me say this a few times before, but we don’t have a strategic interest in reducing the global supply of energy, and that would raise prices at the gas pump for the American people around the world, because it would reduce the supply available. It's as simple as less supply raises prices, and that is certainly a big factor for the President in this — at this moment. It could also — it also has the potential to pad the pockets of President Putin, which is exactly what we are not trying to do. So, as the President has said, we carved out payments for energy, trade and transport from our financial sectors — sanctions with that in mind, I would also note that we are also take — we have been taking steps to degrade Russia status as a leading energy supplier over time. That includes, of course, of shutting down Nord Stream 2 or preventing Nord Stream 2 from operating. That’s why we’re surging LNG to Europe to help accelerate it’s diversification from Russian gas, and I think you’ve also seen European leaders talk about the need to reduce their reliance and to diversify.”

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