
Jen Psaki: Republicans Are out of Touch with the Public with All These ‘Crazy Whack-a-Doo Cultural Debates’

‘The Republican Party has moved in a direction that’s out of touch with the American electorate’
By Grabien Staff


SCARBOROUGH: "And the Ohio example you gave is such a good one, and unfortunately there’s a number of other cases in states across the country where there have been efforts to make it harder for people in red states and purple states and lavender, whatever color states they are, to express their support for abortion rights and the ability of women to make choices about their own health care, because there’s a fear that women will do exactly that, that men will do exactly that, because those positions are popular in the country. So even as we’re working through, navigating, litigating, explaining every detail of Trump’s legal issues, the challenge here is that the positions that the core candidates and leaders of the Republican Party have on issues people care about, whether it’s access to voting, choices about your own health care, all of these crazy whack-a-doo cultural debates about gay marriage -- first of all, gay marriage is the law of the land, it’s out of touch with the public, and that is a core problem for the party."

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