
Jennings: Trump Is Who He Is and He Will Stand and Answer Questions and Harris Will Not

‘It’s pretty confident to stand up and do a press conference’
By Grabien Staff


JENNINGS: "They have to focus on how they’re going to frame the election. I think Axe is right. They had a plan to defeat Joe Biden, and the framework was basically strength versus weakness, they executed it every day and they were winning that framework. Now the framework is apparent to any Republican, and that is radical liberals versus commonsense conservatives. They have to prosecute that case in the same ruthless, focused way they were prosecuting strength versus weakness against Biden. It's not exactly happening every day right now. I would challenge Axe on one point about the confidence point. It’s pretty confident to stand up into a press conference. Kamala Harris is not willing to do that right now, is not sitting down to have her record challenge by any journalists, and I think that does show something of a lack of confidence in if they achieved anything good today, it was to make the point. Trump is who is, and he will stand and answer questions about his views and she will not. I think this was part of a plan to try to draw her out, which they have to do."

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