
Jesse Watters: Liberalism Is About Guilt

‘Liberals don’t like America because they think it is a flawed nation and they believe that capitalism contributes to climate change’
By Grabien Staff


WATTERS: "Liberalism is about guilt, Juan. Liberals don’t like America because they think it is a flawed nation and they believe that capitalism contributes to climate change and climate change makes hurricanes worse. Therefore, they feel like they’re being punished for their success because of capitalism. Their solution is, 'I’m going to be the priest of global warming religion and I will control everyone else’s life. I’ll tell you what to drive, what to eat, where to live and I’ll be your savior.' It's almost like the tribes in ancient times when there is an eclipse, they say, 'Oh, my gosh, we have to sacrifice a virgin,' or when there's floods, 'Oh, my gosh, burn the crops. The water god is angry, what do we do?' You know what the answer always is? 'We’ll control your life.'"

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