
Jim Clyburn: Joe Biden Has a Quiet Constituency that Nobody Is Looking At

‘It will show up big time come November’
By Grabien Staff


CLYBURN: “Let me tell you something, I have been saying for weeks, even months now to my friends, that Joe Biden has a quiet constituency that nobody is looking at, nobody is listening to, but it's showing up in this poll. So I don't know what the people are saying to the pollsters but I know what they said to me when I walked through airports. I just came in from San Diego. And I spent a lot of time in a Charlotte airport, the Charlotte airport in the last several days, and people are coming up to me very quietly saying, 'Keep doing what you're doing. Things are going to be fine come November.' I tell you, there is a quiet constituency that Joe Biden has, and it will show up big time come November.”


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