
Joan Walsh on Biden’s Rhetoric: ‘If You’re Not a Fascist, He’s Not Talking About You, So Lighten Up’

‘Don’t take it personally’
By Grabien Staff


WALSH: “And the final thing I’ll say, because you and I have been through a lot of Twitter wars together about a lot of things, and sometimes it might be about race, and somebody — some white — let me just say, some white person, me, did something maybe kind of racist, and then you’ll see these white people pop up and they’ll be, like, well, not all white people. And I always want to say, if they’re not — if people aren’t talking about you, then don’t answer. Accept they’re not talking about you. And that’s how I feel about the Republicans who are, like, oh, he’s calling us fascists. If you’re not a fascist, he’s not talking about you. So, lighten up. But don’t take it personally. But, you know, it’s all about grievance, so there’s no way for them not to take it personally.”

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