
Joe Biden: Trump Wants To Be a Dictator on Day One, Not a Joke

‘You know what President Biden, you can say what you want’
By Grabien Staff


BIDEN: “Well, first of all, the guy I'm running against is a convicted felon who has said he wants to be a dictator on day one -- not a joke -- he means it. And he's appointed a Supreme Court that is outrageous in terms of decisions it's made, well not just on choice, but on freedom across the board. They just said that he has immunity and I have immunity -- which I reject -- immunity to do things -- even if I did things that wouldn't ordinarily be allowed, if I did it in the name of my job, I could be immune to prosecution. Well, that's just outrageous. Imagine, this is the guy who says he wants to be a dictator on day one. Come on! Dictator on day one, he means it, though. You know he means it.”


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