
Joe Concha: Biden’s Handlers Are ‘Petrified’ to Let Him Make Speeches as He’s Aging ‘Like Cottage Cheese’

‘Here we have the President of the United States, the so-called leader of the free world, and his handlers are petrified to put him out there in any way, shape or form because they know that he’s not aging like a fine wine, but like cottage cheese’
By Grabien Staff


CONCHA: “Oh, I think think that if you’re trying to win the presidency again, you can’t do it by pleading the Fifth, right? And the shortened Biden speeches, it only makes sense because we’ve seen him time and again lose battles against teleprompters where he’s literally reading — and you know what these are, James — cues in the teleprompter. So, when he’s told to pause after a sentence, he’s literally reading the word ‘pause’. Or, yesterday he read a speech about a guy that he said was drafted by the Green Bay Packers and his name was ‘Riley Last Name’. Literally like said that. So it’s Ron Burgundy over and over again. And then if Biden goes off script, then it’s cleanups on aisles 5, 16, 24, and 31 as far as either some sort of blatant lie that could be easily fact-checked, exaggeration that could be fact-checked, or some story that makes zero sense. So here we have the sitting president of the United States, the so-called leader of the free world, and his handlers are petrified to put him out there in any way, shape or form because they know that he’s not aging like a fine wine but like cottage cheese at this point.”

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