
Joe Scarborough: AG William Barr ‘Humiliated’ and ‘Shamed Himself’ By His ‘Pathetic Performance’

‘He is unfit to be president of the United States, and anybody who suggests otherwise has not read the report’


SCARBOROUGH: "A lot more questions still out there than answers. It was fascinating. Yesterday was fascinating. I think really the most remarkable thing about yesterday was the fact that a man who had had the respect of attorneys on both sides of the aisle over the past 30, 40 years, Attorney General Barr humiliated himself, shamed himself by just a pathetic performance. I’m not so sure that he didn’t do that — I’m not so sure he didn’t do that to gain actually the sort of notoriety he got yesterday. He took the heat from Donald Trump. And you’ll notice yesterday half of the talk was about what Barr did and a lot of pundits couldn’t focus long enough on what Donald Trump did. Dan Balz from 'The Washington Post' summed it up fairly well. 'The 448-page document is replete with evidence of repeated lying by public officials and others, of the President urging them not to tell the truth, of the President seeking to shut down the investigation, of a Trump campaign hoping to benefit politically from Russian hacking and leaks of information damaging to its opponent, and of a White House in chaos and operating under abnormal rules.'” 

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