
Joey Jones: The Taliban Broke My Body But the U.S. Gov’t Broke My Heart

‘I feel betrayed’


JONES: "No, listen, I’m beyond upset. I feel betrayed. You know, I tweeted, 'The Taliban broke my body, but the United States government broke my heart on this,' right? You know, we sacrificed a lot, and that’s okay. My sacrifice was justified the day it happened because other people came home that day and lived. But we’ve got men and women serving right now and I couldn’t imagine being there either on that flight line in Kabul or sitting on a base somewhere here knowing you could be called up next and know that this is is who's going to have your back, but more importantly who isn’t. And listen, on the excuses part, this is the only president really that did not inherit this war. Because even with George W. Bush, you could say it’s the incompetence of Bill Clinton, they could have squashed this thing to begin with and pretended to try. But Joe Biden was vice president. He helped preside over the disaster that was Iraq. He opposed the troop surge, which was the second time we ran the Taliban out of the country, just for Obama to claim victory for 2012, not actually win the war. I know that well, I sacrificed a couple of legs for that. You’re welcome, Obama. You know what I’m saying? I’ll give that to you, bud. But at the end of the day, this guy was vice president for eight years of this war and you want to say you inherited a situation? Like, come on, man."

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