
John Heilemann: Voters Have To Understand that a New Trump Presidency Would Be a Disaster

‘From the Biden campaign’s point of view, do what you did in 2020’
By Grabien Staff


HEILEMANN: “The upside there to your point, Joe, is again, you're not trying to persuade them in a lot of cases to come back to Joe Biden. You're just trying to persuade them to do what they did in 2020 and to -- and to realize the stakes. And what a devastating outcome it would be for their -- for their interests, for the interests of young voters, the pocketbook interests, they are focused more on the economy than they are on Gaza. We see that in the polling for African American and Latino voters, that that that Trump presidency -- Trump reelection would be terrible for them. So just please do what you did back -- from the Biden campaign's point of view -- just do what you did back in 2020. You're right. That is the easier sell than trying to get older white voters who have drifted away from the Democratic coalition over the last 20 years to come back home. Those guys are sticking with Biden. That's a big part of why they can be optimistic in those three Midwestern states.”


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