
John Kennedy on Georgia Elections: Unless You Have an IQ of a Root Vegetable, You’d Know How Important This Is

‘It is a second presidential election’
By Grabien Staff


KENNEDY: "Unless you have the IQ of a root vegetable, you know how important this election is. It is a second presidential election. Why do you think President Obama and Mr. Biden are going to Georgia to campaign? They are going to treat this as a second referendum on President Trump and his accomplishments. Furthermore, if we lose in Georgia, Senator Schumer, Senator Bernie Sanders, Speaker Pelosi, Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez are in charge. Now, this is America, they are entitled to their opinions. But in my opinion, their ideas are barking mad. Barking mad. Do you really want to be governed by neo-socialists? So my message to the good people of Georgia, I’m not trying to mess in your business, I know you’re sick of politics, but please take the time and make the effort to go vote. Look at it this way: If dead people can do it, so can you."

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