
John Kerry in 2009: In 5 Years, the Arctic Will Be ‘Ice-Free’

‘I wish [Inhofe] were really up to state of the art with respect to the science on global climate change’


KERRY: "The senator from Oklahoma, Senator Inhofe, has made some comments on the floor of the Senate that are either wrong on the facts or I think wrong in terms of the judgment politically. I wish he were really up to state of the art with respect to the science on global climate change. You have sea ice which is melting at a rate that the Arctic Ocean now increasingly is exposed. In five years, scientists predict we will have the first ice-free Arctic summer, that exposes more ocean to sunlight. Ocean is dark, it consumes more of the heat from the sunlight, which then accelerates the rate of — of the — of the melting and warming rather than the ice sheet and the snow that used to reflect it back up into the atmosphere.”

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