
John Kirby: Allowing Iran Access to $6 Billion Frozen Accounts Is Not Negotiating with Terrorists

‘That he’s wrong — just plain and simple’
By Grabien Staff


KIRBY: “That he’s wrong. Just plain and simple. Look, while I can’t tell you everything that we’re doing and everything that this is, I can certainly tell you what it’s not. And there’s not going to be a ransom payment. There’s not going to be sanctions relief. There’s no U.S. taxpayer dollars that are going to be applied to getting these Americans home. And this $6 billion, without getting into the details of the negotiations, I think there’s a little confusion about what this account is all about. This is part of a system of accounts that were set up in the previous administration that allowed some countries to import Iranian goods, non-sanctional goods, and that the Iranians could pull on those accounts, those payments, through a special system only used for humanitarian purposes.”

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