
John Yoo: You Are Going To See ‘Enhanced Attacks’ on the Supreme Court by Progressives, It Will Be ‘Unprecedented

‘ The president doesn’t have any constitutional power to spend money unless Congress authorizes it.’
By Grabien Staff


YOO: "Yeah, I got this new book out this week called 'The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Supreme Court,' and this is a great pitch for it because what we do is we trace the history of attacks on the Supreme Court. In the last two years, you have seen these unprecedented assaults on the institutional independence of the Supreme Court by progressives who are angry with decisions like Dobbs from last year about abortion or gun rights from last year in Bruen, or now in this case against affirmative action and now student loans. You’ve seen progressives propose trying to pack the court, add more members to the court, trying to cut back on the kind of cases the court is allowed to decide. Now you're having proposals for investigations of justices, trying to make it easier to get them to recuse from cases. We haven’t seen this kind of attack on the independence of the court since it decided Brown v. Board and these kinds of attacks were launched by southern segregationists, or since the New Deal when FDR tried these attacks on the court that wanted to stand up for contract and property rights. So I predict, after these losses this last two years, you are going to see enhanced attacks on the court by progressives."


(Via RealClearPolitics)

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