
Jon Meacham: Biden Has ‘Successfully Child-Proofed the Debate Stage’ by Proposing New Debate Rules

‘American democracy is not a reality show and Donald Trump has treated it that way for almost 10 years now’
By Grabien Staff


MEACHAM: “I think it will be huge because it actually — what President Biden’s done is he has successfully child-proofed the debate stage for former President Trump who is responsible for this uncivil tone on the stage. Let’s be very clear here. This is not a both sides issue. Martha, you’ve moderated debates with President Biden — Vice President Biden in them. There has been, as Daniel Patrick Moynihan pointed out, we have defined deviancy down, it’s true, but that is not President Biden’s fault. And so, I think what he has done is rendered a public service, he and his team, in bringing some constraints to the debate to actually allow there to be a conversation that is not simply performative. American democracy is not a reality show, and Donald Trump has treated it that way for almost 10 years now.”

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