
Jon Meacham: Constitution Is Going to Come Down to a Couple of Hundred Thousand People in Five States

‘The entire experiment is at risk’
By Grabien Staff


MEACHAM: “And I don’t think we do — we do ourselves no favors whatever in pretending that these are not live — use a fancy word — illiberal, anti-democratic, unconstitutional forces that he, Donald Trump, embodies, promulgates. And this whole election, the Constitution — think about this, the Constitution, if the numbers are remotely true, is going to come down to a couple of hundred thousand people in five states. Right? That’s where we are. So to some extent, the appeal has to be, if you are one of these folks in Michigan, in Pennsylvania, in Arizona, if you are there, think about it. Do you want to terminate the Constitution? And if you do, you better be sure your team is always going to be in power. Because the point of law is that it protects you from me and me from you. And the strong always become the weak."

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