
Jon Stewart on Trump Assassination Attempt: ‘By a Hair’s Breath, We Dodged a Catastrophe’

‘But it was still a tragedy’


STEWART: “And none of us knows what’s going to happen next, other than there will be another tragedy in this country, self-inflicted, by us, to us. And then we will have this feeling again. I remember it on 9/11, this disorienting 'Holy shit, stop the world, I would like to get off' feeling. And in that moment, there will be some incredible Americans who, in the midst of it, for some unknown reason, rush towards it and get us back to some sort of equilibrium, and we will count on those folks to hold us together again. And it does remind us that by a hair’s breath, we dodged a catastrophe. But it was still a tragedy, because one of those first responders lost his life.”

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