
Jon Stewart to Dems: ‘Four Months Is Four[bleep]ever,’ ‘We Have Nothing But Time’ to ‘Stress Test’ Biden’s Candidacy

‘Britain just held an election in two months! France had two in one month!’


STEWART: “Four months is for [bleep] ever. Britain just held an election in two months! France had two in one month! Defeated fascism and still had time to have an affair with Denmark! “Are you telling me, you sons of bitches, are you coming to my house and saying to my face, that the United States of Bruce Springsteen’s America can’t hold an election better than the [bleep] French? Is that what you are telling me?” It’s four months! Four months! It’s a 119 days! There are contestants on “The Bachelor” who haven’t even met yet that will get married and divorced between now and the election! We have nothing but time!
[Cheers and applause] By the way, I am in no way saying Biden’s got to out, but can’t we stress test this candidacy? Can't we open the conversation? Do you understand the opportunity here? Do you understand how thirsty Americans are for any hint of inspiration or leadership and release from this choice of a megalomaniac and a suffocating gerontocracy? It is crushing our [bleep] spirits!”

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