
Jon Stewart Whips out the Huh vs. Time Chart to Display ‘Moments of Disconnect’ from Biden

‘Perhaps this chart will illuminate the point more clearly’
By Grabien Staff


STEWART: “But to those of you who say these concerns are simple pearl-wetting and bed-clutching — we all make mistakes! I thought I would take a moment to explain where the concern about Biden’s performance might be coming from, and why these concerns may be seen as a more foundational issue. You see, even before the debate, there had been some troubling moments of disconnect from the president. You know, perhaps this chart could — [Cheers and applause] If I may. Sorry, the pen caps are made of kevlar, very difficult. Perhaps this chart will illustrate and illuminate the point more clearly. For instance, in 2022, when Biden gave a shout-out to representative Jackie.”

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