
Jonah Goldberg: Kayleigh McEnany’s Behavior on Friday ‘Indefensible and Grotesque’

‘What Donald Trump wants in a press secretary is a Twitter troll who goes on attack’

WALLACE:  "Jonah, first of all, it’s not extraordinary. Unmasking is pretty routine. The effort by people amend administration to find out who a masked American person is. It happens in the Trump White House, it happened I think 16,000 times the year before last. What’s a crime is leaking it but unmasking isn’t. In addition to which, I have to say that if Kayleigh Mcenany had told Sam Donaldson and me what questions we should ask, that would not have gone well, Jonah."
GOLDBERG:  "Look, it’s nice to see Donna so deferential to Kayleigh Mcenany. I think her behavior is indefensible and grotesque. I think that what she has done is — there’s this cliche in Washington that President Trump wants Roy Cohn as doj, as attorney general. What Donald Trump wants in a press secretary is a Twitter troll who goes on attack, doesn’t actually care about doing the job they have and instead wants to impress really an audience of one and make another part of official Washington another one of these essentially cable news and Twitter laboratory arenas. And it’s a sign of the defining of deviancy down in our politics and it’s only going to make things worse."

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