
Jonathan Turley: ‘Panic Setting In’ For Democrats and Media About Hunter Biden Scandal

‘They all want to move on, because the alternative is to recognize one of the most significant corruption scandals in modern history’
By Grabien Staff


TURLEY: "I think that there is almost a panic setting in with the media. They all want to move on, because the alternative is to recognize one of the most significant corruption scandals in modern history, but it’s something that the media played a role in suppressing. So they want everyone to move on, but that’s just not going to happen. The evidence is mounting. And you had these two whistleblowers testify in Congress, and you’ll notice the Democratic members asked very little about their specific allegations. It’s because they have been reduced in the amount of maneuvering room by this evidence. They didn’t want to trip any wires. When one of them, Rep. Dan Goldman from New York, tried, he ended up demolishing the Biden defense in less than five minutes. He got the witness to confirm that Joe Biden did, in fact, speak to his son about business dealings. So, they’re all in a position that they’re hoping this will move on, but the public and, more importantly, these committees are just not moving on."

(Via RealClearPolitics)

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