
Justice Gorsuch Calmly Schools CBS When Hit with Smears Against Conservatives

‘Do you really want me deciding everything for you?’
By Grabien Staff


Gorsuch: “I worry when more and more Americans think that people in the other political party are not just wrong — fine — but are evil. I worry when we are unable to speak to one another and listen to one another.”

GARRETT: “But in a recent poll, 70 percent say Gorsuch and the other current justices contribute to that problem, deciding cases on ideology rather than being fair and impartial. There are people who watch this right now and say I thought I understood what Roe vs. Wade meant in our country. I thought I understand what affirmative action in college admission meant, and this court has told me I didn’t understand what those things meant and I wrongly relied on things that I thought were settled. What would you say to those?”

(Via NewsBusters)


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