
Kal Penn: Climate Deal Held at UAE Is ‘Like Celebrating Hannukah at Kanye West’s House’

‘Even holding the conference in one of the oil capitals of the world was a major [bleep] you to climate change’


PENN: "That’s right. The world’s nations pledged net zero emissions by 2050! Which is fantastic! But they also offered no plan to enforce it, which is not fantastic. This agreement is basically like when you tell a former co-worker that you should 'Get together sometime,' like, 'Yeah, we should totally grab a drink, definitely by 2050!' Even holding the conference in one of the oil capitals of the world was a major [bleep]-you to climate change. It’s like celebrating Hanukkah at Kanye’s house. Look, I’m not saying COP28 was a bad idea itself, like, people’s Insta posts look super fun, but maybe there should be some consequences for not achieving your goals, aside from, you know, like, the whole world ending thing. Either way, look, congratulations, COP28. You may not have solved the climate crisis, but you didn’t not not not solve it?"

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