
Kamala Harris on What She Would Tell Voters Who Think Trump Is Better on Economy: ‘You Should Look at What I’ve Accomplished Thus Far’

‘16 Nobel laureates ... have said that Trump’s plan would increase inflation’
By Grabien Staff


CHAPA: “Vice President Harris, still people believe that he can handle the economy better. What would you say to them that are listening to you right now? How could you change their minds that you could do it, and even better?”

HARRIS: “Well, you should look at what I’ve accomplished thus far. The work that I have done, for example, that has resulted in Latino small businesses growing faster in this moment in history, in these last three and a half years than ever before. It has a lot to do with the work that I have done to build up community banks and put more money into community banks so that those dollars can then get into the community and small businesses.” 

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