
Kari Lake: ‘We Have a Foreign Army Here on Our Homeland’

‘They’re taking our home, we don’t even have enough housing for American citizens’
By Grabien Staff


LAKE: “These are military-aged men. We have a foreign army here on our homeland. This is the biggest invasion we’ve ever seen. They’re taking our home — we don’t even have enough housing for American citizens — our resources, our social services. These NGOs are helping to funnel them, and they’re taking our tax money to help funnel and process these people. And surely, the cartels are involved as well, You know, these people, many of them are indentured servants, they have to pay off their bill to the cartel. And then you’ve got the criminal element which I think is growing by the day, and we’re seeing it with, you know, this victim, Laken, who died and was killed. It’s just outrageous, and the American people have had enough. So, unfortunately, they’re coming to every community. It’s not just Arizona. We’re the pipeline for all of that, you know, drug funneling, human trafficking, but it’s going to New York, it’s going to Chicago, it’s going to Kansas and Iowa. Every single state is suffering because of this. And some very bad people are coming in, very bad people who are going to hurt Americans."

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