
Kari Lake: ‘We’re Tired of the Beta Men ... We Got a Number One Alpha Man in Donald J. Trump’

‘I like a strong man’
By Grabien Staff


LAKE: “Thank you, you guys are too kind. Thank you. You know, I like the bull-in-a-China-shop ideology. I like — I like a strong man. We got way too many weaklings out there. (applause) Let me hear from the ladies out there, we’re tired of the beta men. We want some alpha men, and we got a number one alpha man in Donald J. Trump! (cheers and applause) I think we’ve got — we’ve got some pretty strong men in this room as well, and that’s what is going to get us through this difficult time. You know, I don’t really care if he pissed off the fake news. I really don’t. Those mean tweets brought us world peace. They really did.”

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