Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hearings began on a chaotic note, with Democratic protesters repeatedly interrupting the proceedings with belligerent, shrieking heckling.
As the chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee, Sen. Grassley (R-Iowa), attempted to call the hearings to order, protesters almost immediately began heckling the lawmakers.
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) promptly interrupted Grassley, demanding a delay to the hearings. Sen. Klobuchar (D-Minn.) then followed up with another call to delay the hearings. The Democratic lawmakers were upset over documents the White House released last night, which they said came too late.
"We cannot possibly move forward," Sen. Kamala Harris said. Sen. Blumenthal then moved to adjourn the meeting, a call which received a roaring ovation from the hecklers.
Watch above to witness the circus in full swing.
Below is a transcript:
GRASSLEY: “Good morning. I welcome everyone to this confirmation hearing on the nomination of —“
HARRIS: “Mr. Chairman.”
GRASSLEY: “— Brett Kavanaugh --”
HARRIS: “Mr. Chairman.”
GRASSLEY: “— to serve as associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.”
HARRIS: “Mr. Chairman, I’d like to be recognized for a question before we proceed. Mr. Chairman, I’d like to be recognized to ask a question before we proceed. The committee received just last night less than 15 hours ago —“
HARRIS: “Mr. Chairman, regular order.”
HARRIS: “— 42.000 pages of documents that we have not had an opportunity to review or read or analyze."
GRASSLEY: “You are out of order. I will proceed.”
HARRIS: “We cannot possibly move forward, Mr. Chairman. We have not been given the opportunity to have a meaningful hearing with Congress nominee--"[cross-talk]
GRASSLEY: “I extend a very warm welcome to Judge Kavanaugh, to his wife Ashley, their two daughters --[cross-talk]
UNKNOWN: “Mr. Chairman, I agree with my colleague, senator Harris. Mr. Chairman, we received 42.000 documents tat we haven't been able to review —"
GRASSLEY: “— And everyone else joining us today."
UNKNOWN: " and we believe this hearing should be postponed —"
GRASSLEY: “I know this is an exciting day for all of you here and your you’re rightly proud —"
UNKNOWN: "Mr. Chairman, if we cannot be recognized I move to adjourn. Mr. Chairman, I move to adjourn."
GRASSLEY: “— From Judge Kavanaugh —"
UNKNOWN: "Mr. Chairman, I move to adjourn. Mr. Chairman, we have been denied real access to the documents we need to advise —" (Audience cheering)
BLUMENTHAL: "Mr. Chairman, we have been denied the real access to the documents we need ---[cross-talk] which turns this hearing into a charade and a mockery of our norms and, Mr. Chairman, I therefore move to adjourn this hearing."
AUDIENCE: "This is a mockery. This is a travesty of justice. Cancel Brett Kavanaugh, adjourn the hearing. [ indecipherable]."
BLUMENTHAL: "Mr. Chairman, I ask for a roll call vote on my motion to adjourn."
AUDIENCE MEMBER: "'[indecipherable]'"
BLUMENTHAL: "Mr. Chairman, I move to adjourn. I ask for a roll call vote."
GRASSLEY: “We are not in executive session. We will continue as planned."
— Cory Booker Demands Cancellation of Kavanaugh Hearings: ‘This Committee Is a Violation’
— Hecklers Continue to Interrupt Start of Brett Kavanaugh Hearing
— More Chaos as Sen. Blumenthal Interrupts His Colleague Feinstein During Kavanaugh Hearings
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