
Keith Kellogg: We Need to ‘Super Escalate’ Against Iran-Backed Attacks

‘We just haven’t had the will to do it’
By Grabien Staff


KELLOGG: "The way you solve this and the way we solve it and we believed it was important to do so, you have to what I would call super escalate. You have to take it to a position of an escalation that the other side goes oh, god, where are we going to go next? This is really getting out of control. We need to stop. We’re not there. It’s tit-for-tat. That never solves any issue with an aggressor or adversary. And my experience has been over the course of the military career and also career in government, that you have to respond very forcefully. We have the capacity, Bret. And we have the ability to do that, we just haven’t had the will to do it."

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