
Conway Completes Noah’s Statement Saying She’s Very Good at ‘Speaking the Truth,’ Noah Counters, ‘No, It’s Not Answering My Question’

‘Trevor, how much did you pay for gas today?’


CONWAY: “So I worked on veterans, military, military spouses, I worked on the tax cut and jobs acts, I worked on the opioid cries, education, healthcare reform, the list goes on and on. And you find out, in these public service jobs, Trevor, that you can help make a difference in people’s lives, and I think that many of the Trump-Pence accomplishments have done exactly that. We were better off economically, energy-wise, Putin was not in Ukraine — "
NOAH: “No, no, no, wait — forgive me — no, no, forgive me — “
CONWAY: "Trevor, how much did you pay for gas today?"
NOAH: "No, no, forgive me, forgive me, because you’re doing the thing that you’re very good at right now."
CONWAY: "Yes, speaking the truth."
NOAH: "No, that is not answering the question that I’ve asked you."
CONWAY: "I did answer it. I said no."

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