
Khanna: I Think Biden ‘May Have Been Deliberating Whether It Was Good Policy’ When He Said He Didn’t Have Unilateral Loan Authority

‘This is the Supreme Court engaging in activism’
By Grabien Staff


KHANNA: "Well, when you look at the actual statute, the Heroes Act, the Heroes Act was very, very clear. It said, under emergency conditions, the secretary has the authority, the president has the authority to take these kinds of actions. Now, if Congress had wanted to limit the Heroes Act, they could have. Congress didn't act. This is the Supreme Court engaging in activism. I believe that the president may have been deliberating whether it was good policy, but legal scholar after legal scholar has interpreted the Heroes Act as saying, 'You had that authority.' I mean, the president — we've forgiven other student loans. We've forgiven student loans for public forgiveness. We've forgiven student loans when people have had bad universities. Why is it that in this case, they wouldn't have that authority?"

(Via Breitbart)

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