
Kimmel on Jesse Watters Criticizing Biden for Sucking on Straw: He Might Be ‘Going Through Some Identity Crisis’

‘Is that a thing now?’
By Grabien Staff


[clip starts]
WATTERS: "Now caught Biden sucking on what looks like a milkshake through a straw. Could be a smoothie. Looks like chocolate to me. Now, a little advice for grown men. If you want to enjoy a milkshake or anything with a straw, please do it in private. It's not a good look. Men should never suck anything through a straw."
[clip ends]
KIMMEL: "Really? Is that -- is that a thing now? (Applause) I don't -- anyone feel like Jesse Watters might be going through some sort of an identity crisis? Real men dump their milkshakes all over their nipples. They don't use straws.”


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