
Kimmel on Trump Posting 77 Times on TRUTH Social on Easter Sunday: ‘If that Was Your Dad You’d Have Him Put Away’

‘Trump had a very active holiday’
By Grabien Staff


KIMMEL: “Trump, by the way, had a very active holiday. He posted 77 times on TRUTH Social yesterday. Like, if that was your dad, you’d have him put away, right? One of the posts was this message of peace. He wrote, 'Happy Easter to all, including crooked and corrupt prosecutors and judges that are doing everything possible to interfere with the presidential election of 2024, and put me in prison, including those many people that I completely and totally despise...' Blah-blah-blah. 'Happy Easter, everyone!' (Laughter and Applause) And on holy Saturday, America’s number one Bible salesman somehow found time to post this: 'The crucifixion of Donald Trump.' That’s right. You know, Jesus was treated unfairly, too. Some say the second-most unfairly in history. Only Donald Trump would re-post a photo of himself holding a Bible upside down."

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