
Kimmel: While the Whole Free World Is Trying to Stop Putin, Trump Is Asking Putin for Dirt on the Bidens

‘Hey, got anything on the president’s crackhead son I can use?’


KIMMEL: “This story about this $3.5 million, there’s no evidence to back it up. And not only that, remember back in 2016 when Trump asked Russia to find Hillary Clinton’s emails? And when he tried to extort the president of Ukraine to manufacture information about Hunter Biden? For that one, he got impeached. Now he’s asking Vladimir Putin to release dirt on the Bidens. In the middle of a war! He wants our enemy to dig up damaging information about our president. While he is attacking Ukraine. He doesn’t see anything wrong with this. The whole free world is trying to top Putin, Trump’s like,” Hey, got anything on the president’s crackhead son I can use? I’d really appreciate it.”"

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