
Kinzinger: Republican Party Is ‘Not Based on Principle Anymore ... It’s Based on Whatever the Outrage of the Day Is or Support for Trump’

‘I hate to say it, it’s true’
By Grabien Staff


KINZINGER: “I was a conservative that believed you don’t legislatively terrorize, you actually keep the government running and try to advance as conservatively as you can in that context. And so, there was a lot of stress and fracture and now what’s happened is you have a party, Jake, that’s not based on principle anymore. I hate to say it, it’s true. It’s not based on smaller government. It’s based on whatever the outrage of the day is or support for Donald Trump. And when you have a personality or you have an institution based on nothing but kind of the whims of the moment, there’s going to be fracture, because it turns into personalities and it turns into fundraising. And I think that’s a lot of what you’re seeing right now.”

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