
KJP: President Biden Supports No Tax on Tips; We’ve Shown That in the Policies We’ve Laid Out

‘If Republicans trully cared about that, they would have joined us’
By Grabien Staff


JEAN-PIERRE: "What I can say is, the president supports it. And what I can say is, obviously, the president, the vice president, very much what I just — how I answered the earlier question is that we have always put at front and center making it easier, giving American families a little bit more breathing room, something the president says very often. And so — and we’ve shown that. We’ve shown that in the policies that we've laid out. You know, not gonna go into what the former president said, but if Republicans truly cared about that, truly cared about hardworking Americans, they would have joined us on a lot of these proposals that we've put forward."

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