
KJP Says that ‘Irresponsible Reporting’ Is Alleging that the Cocaine Found in the White House Might Have Belonged to the Biden Family

‘The Biden family was not here’
By Grabien Staff


JEAN-PIERRE: “There has been some irresponsible reporting about the family and — and so, I got to call that out here. And I have been very clear. I was clear two days ago when talking about this over and over again as I was being asked a question. As you know, and media outlets reported this, the Biden family was not here. They were not here. They were at Camp David. They were not here Friday. They were not here Saturday. They were not here Sunday. They were not even here Monday. They came back on Tuesday. So, to ask that question is actually incredibly irresponsible and — and I’ll just leave it there. Okay.”

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