
Kudlow: Electric Vehicles Are ‘Ford Edsel of Our Time’

Ramaswamy: ‘End the electric vehicle subsidies’
By Grabien Staff


KUDLOW: “Just a few moments, you know, the costs of living, inflation is going up, real wages for working folks are going down. Biden’s sitting around blaming Donald Trump and knocking out two trillion-dollar deficits a year. I have never seen anything so bad, and that includes selling this lemon EV thing, which is in fact the Ford Edsel of our time. What do you make of it, Vivek?”

RAMASWAMY: “Well, first thing is simple: End the electric vehicle subsidies. If you want to buy an electric vehicle, you’re free to do that. The beauty is, we live in a free country. But you should not expect the government or the taxpayer base to pay for it.”

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