
Kurt Andersen: RFK Jr. And Trump Are So Similar and Always Have Been as ‘Entitled Rich Boys’

‘— Who have gotten where they are and are leading this one degraded political party to whatever it’s being led to’
By Grabien Staff


ANDERSEN: “And moreover, his speech, this -- this line of his -- this alternative facts, upside down world, fantasy land, Trumpist idea of Democrats versus Republicans -- said, when I -- 'In early 60s, the first time I went to the Democrat convention when my uncle was being nominated,' he said, 'the Democratic Party was the champion of the Constitution and of civil rights and against authoritarianism and the party of labor and the working class and the champion of the environment and against big money interests.' But the Democratic Party, he was saying, is not that now. But -- which is untrue and --"
LEMIRE: "Right."
ANDERSEN: "-- and increasingly untrue given this Harris Democratic Party combination of muscular foreign policy and progressive social and economic policy. But I mean, I just -- at that point, I just lost it. I said, 'OK, this guy is as full of -- of lying fantasies, mental disorder, selfishness, whatever, as Trump.' And then in my piece, I go on and on. I really never thought about the degree in the ways in which Bobby Kennedy, Jr. and Donald Trump are -- are so similar, and always have been as these entitled rich boys who have -- have gotten where they are --"
LEMIRE: "Yeah." [crosstalk]
ANDERSEN: "-- and are, you know, leading this one degraded political party to whatever it's being led to."


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