
Landrieu: Biden Has ‘Turned the Country Around and Created One of the Strongest Economic Recoveries’

‘Donald Trump lost 2.5 million jobs’
By Grabien Staff


LANDRIEU: "Secondly, let me say this. Let’s not skate over what the top line is here. President Biden took office with one of the great economic calamities in the history of the country, and in three short years, has now turned the country around and created one of the strongest economic recoveries that we’ve seen, 15 million jobs. As people may recall, because some people seem to have forgotten, Donald Trump lost 2.5 million jobs. As you noted, we’ve now had the lowest unemployment in America since 1960s, 3.8 percent. Wages have gone up, jobs have gone up. I’m in Arizona today talking about these investments and the thousands of high-paying jobs that they’re creating. Listen, we’ve always said this was going to be a tough election.”

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