
Lankford on Voting Against His Border Bill: ‘It’s No Longer a Bill, Now It’s a Prop’

‘We spent four months sitting down in a bipartisan way to be able to work out do we think we can actually get passed’
By Grabien Staff


LANKFORD: "It's no longer a bill, now it‘s a prop. We spent four months sitting down in a bipartisan way to be able to work out what do we think we can actually get passed. Obviously, I was not successful in getting something that can actually get passed. The problem still remains. Everyone knows that this bill is not going to pass, and Senator Schumer is bringing back up to try to bludgeon people. But what will be interesting on it is, you‘re not going to have Republicans that are going to vote for it, the same Republicans who didn‘t vote for it last time, but I expect there‘ll be more Democrats that will vote against it this time as well when it's standalone. There were some Democrats that said, 'I‘m not going to vote for it if it doesn‘t have DACA, if it doesn‘t have amnesty,' if it doesn‘t have all those things they wanted. They were willing to vote for it if it had Ukraine and Israel funding in it, but not willing to vote for it on a standalone. So it‘d be interesting to see how many votes it gets total.”

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